Scottish Borders Council Support
- SBC's Local Place Plan webpages - with templates, guidance and information on timescales to influence the next Local Development Plan
- Place Programme pages – Scottish Borders Council website dedicated to the invitation to develop a Local Place Plan and information and support available for the process.
- Consultancy framework
- Area profiles – The Scottish Borders Council Research team offer a free service to compile area profiles. Information about this can be found here (scroll to the bottom of the page) or by contacting the team at
- Contacts at Scottish Borders Council - your local Community Engagement Officer or the Planning and Regeneration Team

- Reports on surveys are available from the Planning department for all towns in the Borders:
- Retail Survey (Bi-annual)
- Employment Land Audit (Annual)
- Footfall Survey (Annual)
- Scottish Vacant & Derelict Land Survey (Annual)
- Housing Land Audit (Annual)